
united for our patients
& our professions

Laboratory staff at Tempus Labs are joining together in union and demanding quality patient care, essential staffing levels, safe working conditions, and a voice on the job. If you want to learn more about the ongoing effort to organize a union in your workplace, use the confidential contact form below to get in touch with a member of our team.


There’s strength in numbers. The IAM is  600,000 members strong and fighting every day to improve our jobs.


You can’t put a price tag on peace of mind. Unions assure our jobs are secure and protect us against undue punishment.


IAM members sit down with their managers and negotiate over wages, benefits, changes in the workplace, staffing levels, and more. That’s having a voice on the job.

What’s an Authorization Card? 

Collecting authorization cards is how we know there’s a genuine interest in forming a Union. Once enough cards are collected, we can petition the federal goverment for a Union election. Signing a card does not mean you have joined the Union. That’s an enirely seperate process. Don’t let management scare you with misleading information about the authorization card. Otherwise, they win and provide themselves even more control over the workforce.  Take a moment and watch a short video explaining the authorization card. 

IAM Members Live Better

The International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAM) represents roughly 600,00 workers across North America. That includes medical/clinical laboratory scientists, technologies, microbiologists, phlebotomists, technicians, assistants and othe laboratory staff.

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The Benefits of Belonging

Work Life Balance

We are often at the mercy of our managers when it comes to scheduling, which generally means long and inconsistent hours. As union members, you will have a say in notice and scheduling to adequately plan for your work and family responsibilities.


A union-negotiated contract puts rules in place that allow you to do your job without fear of retaliation or unjust treatment. If you feel those rules have been broken, you have the legal right to appeal through a grievance procedure. As a result, everyone is treated with respect.


Union members get a seat at the table. When management makes big decisions without consulting the workers who will implement them, union members are empowered
to stand up and say no.

More Money

Union members earn roughly $200 more every week than non-members. But it’s so much more than that. It’s about negotiating with your bosses over set wage increases that can’t change at management’s whim.

Your Rights Under the Law

Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), you and your co-workers have certain rights when it comes to forming a union.

You have the right to form, join or assist a union.

You have the right to distribute union literature, wear union t-shirts, ask co-workers to sign authorization cards and discuss the union with co-workers on non-work time.

Supervisors and management are not allowed to spy on you, coercively question you, threaten you or bribe you regarding your union activity.

You have the right to organize a union to negotiate with your employer over your wages, benefits and other working conditions.

Your employer cannot prohibit you from talking about or soliciting for a union during non-work time (including before and after work or during breaks).

You can’t be fired, disciplined, demoted,  or penalized for engaging in any of the above mentioned activities.

Source: NLRB.gov

Building Stronger Communities

IAM members are lending a helping hand in many ways and in many places.

Guide Dogs of America

The IAM’s flagship charity, GDA provides guide dogs to the visually impaired free of charge.

Habitat for Humanity

Every year, IAM members volunteer to build and rehab homes for families in need.

Disaster Relief

We are on the front line of disaster relief. When hurricane maria hit , IAM members jumped on a plane and traveled to Puerto Rico to help.

Toys for Tots

IAM Districts and Locals all over the country take part in the toys for tots program around Christmas.

Latest News

Frontline Healthcare Staff at Ohio State Uniting for Professional Recognition, Safe Patient Care

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District 751, IAM Healthcare Teaming Up to Bring Rights to Washington State Healthcare Workers

Adapted from the IAM District 751 Aero Mechanic. Healthcare workers are the frontline heroes we rely on in our most vulnerable moments. They deserve a voice on the job and union[…]

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IAM Healthcare Union Joins Effort to Stop Sanford-Fairview Healthcare System Merger Plans

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2023 – IAM Healthcare, a part of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), is joining a growing chorus of healthcare worker and patient advocates[…]

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Chris Tucker

Tempus Contact Form

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